Tasks plugin is used in conjunction with dekstop part to manage the working process of registered users.
Mobile version is specifically used by workers to manage their tasks.
They can visualise their tasks, complete or decline them acording to workflow, and later on view their completed tasks for statistic purposes.
To open the Tasks page click on the (
) tool.
The tasks page contains sorting buttons at top and a list of available tasks below them.
When the tool is enabled the tasks are also displayed on the map and colored according to priority: red - high, orange - medium, green - low.
Tasks can be sorted by:
- Date - most recent assigned tasks will be displayed first
- Distance - the closest to current location tasks are displayed first
- Priority - tasks with the highest priority are displayed first. Priorities can be: high, medium, low.
- Completed - displays the user's completed tasks sorted by date
The list of avaliable tasks displays their general information, such as: title, distance to task from current location, priority and time elapsed since it was created.
To view full information about a task, history of it's actions or to choose an appropriate current action click on it from the list, a detailed page will be displayed.
If a text on the detailed page is too long to fit the screen click on it and hold, the full text will be displayed in a popup.
If a task has actions executed they will be displayed in the history section below the general infomation. An action's entry consists of (from left to right) time of the execution, it's name, distance to the task and a comment if it was supplied.
To view where the action was executed on the map click on it's distance.
To execute an action for the selected task click on it's button. A popup will appear to enter an optional comment for this action, it can be omitted by just clicking Submit button.
Independently from the workflow, a Comment action is always available to supply a comment at any time of the task's execution.
After a task is completed the list is refreshed and the task is moved to the Completed section.
After the page has loaded the list of tasks they will also be available in offline mode. In offline they can also be managed according to workflow.
All the changes will be synchronized by opening the page again in online mode. Note that the list of completed tasks cannot be displayed in offline mode.