This section is accesible through Plugins section by selecting the Quickaccess tab.
Here you can install/uninstall and disable/enable this plugin as any other.
Upon installation, this plugin will create a quick access layer that can be used to create zones for quick zooming.
This is useful when groups of users are usually working with their specific zone/zones and it makes it easier to access a certain zone quickly when viewing the map.
Zones can be created by administrator and made public (visibile to all users), but also users can create their own zones (visible only to themselves).
After the plugin install process completes a new layer will be created named Quick access.
To create a zone just enable editing for the Quick access layer to draw a polygon anywhere on the map.
In the Manage attributes form specify zone's name in all installed languages and check the Published checkbox to make it visible to all users, otherwise it will only be visible to you.
You can later delete or edit that zone and it's name as any other editable feature on the map.