This tool is accessible to registered users with role that extends "analyst" role and allows you to filter data from a layer to specified subset using conditions.
This tool allows you to filter your data to a subset of it and create simple analysis scenarios.
You can also download your results in one of the available formats for example CSV and open them in Excel to create a chart for your results.
Click on the Query builder(
) tool.
Query builder should appear in the Left panel with the following form:
Layer. Currently selected layer, conditions data table and match are displayed for this layer.
If you need to display on the map 2 or more filtered layers for example:
show all features from roads layer that are intersecting with features from buildings layer and
show all features from buildings layer that are intersecting with features from roads layer
you need to apply 1 rule (mentioned above) to each layer (buildings and roads).
Show results on map. Whether after a successful query results should be displayed on map
Affected layers. Shows what layers are affected by specified conditions,
this means that your conditions will be applied to this layers when drawing the map, getting information, searching and so on.
You can filter multiple layers by selecting the layer and specifying conditions and match type for it.
Match. All - every condition should match, Any - at least one condition should match
Conditions data table. Add conditions by clicking on (
A condition at it's basic form consists of "field", "function", "operator" and "value" that create an expression and if that expression evaluates to true it is added to the results.
You can remove a condition by clicking on (
Click the Submit button to display query results.
You can also Download the query results in one of the available formats: CSV, KML, ESRI Shapefile, GML, MapInfo File.
Click on a row of the data table to zoom into the object extents.
You can sort the results in ascending or descending order by clicking on the column header.
Click the Clear button to clear all conditions for all layers.
Click the Back button to alter previously defined conditions.
Equality operator
Get all the results with field "iso_a2" equal to "MD"
Match: All
- Layer: Worldboundaries
Condition 1
- Field: "World boundaries"."iso_a2"
- Function:
- Operator: "="
- Value: "MD"
Result: Moldova
Like operator and multiple conditions
Get all the results with field "name" beginning with "United" and "dial" < 50
Match: All
- Layer: Worldboundaries
Condition 1
- Field: "World boundaries"."name"
- Function:
- Operator: "ILIKE"
- Value: "United%"
Condition 2
- Field: "World boundaries"."dial"
- Function:
- Operator: "<"
- Value: "50"
Result: United States of America, United Kingdom
Multiple conditions with match type "any"
Get all the results with field "name" equal to Moldova and Romania
Match: Any
- Layer: Worldboundaries
Condition 1
- Field: "World boundaries"."name"
- Function:
- Operator: "="
- Value: "Moldova"
Condition 2
- Field: "World boundaries"."name"
- Function:
- Operator: "="
- Value: "Romania"
Result: Moldova, Romania
IN operator
Get all the results where "type" field has "primary" or "secondary" value
Match: All
- Layer: Roads
Condition 1
- Field: "Roads"."type"
- Function:
- Operator: "IN"
- Value: "primary,secondary"
Get all the results for "Roads" layer that intersect "Buildings" layer of type "theatre".
"Roads" and "Buildings" layers are added using Upload data and create layers tutorial.
Match: All
- Layer: Roads
Condition 1
- Field: "Roads"."Geometry"
- Function: "ST_Intersects"
- Operator:
- Value: "Buildings"."Geometry"
Condition 2
- Field: "Buildings"."Type"
- Function:
- Operator: "="
- Value: "theatre"
Get all the results for "Buildings" layer with area bigger than 10000.
"Buildings" layer is added using Upload data and create layers tutorial.
Match: All
- Layer: Buildings
Condition 1
- Field: "Buildings"."Geometry"
- Function: "ST_Area"
- Operator: ">"
- Value: "10000"