Quick import plugin is used to import temporary data to the map.
This data can later be used as snap vertices while editing.
Click on the Import coordinates() tool.
Quick import panel should appear and a new layer named Quick import will be added to the map.
Data can be imported using various formats:
Text. This option is used to manually enter data by completing the following fields:
- X (Longitude) - X or the longitude coordinate of a point
- Y (Latitude) - Y or the latitude coordinate of a point
- Label - Point label
- Coordinates in - Select the projection of entered data (WGS84 or current map projection)
GPX. This option is used to enter data from a gpx formatted file.
KML. This option is used to enter data from a kml formatted file.
CSV. This option is used to enter data from a csv formatted file.
Note that each row of data should be in the following format (with no header): Longitude,Latitude,Label. For example: 28.8271643,47.0269507,"A theater".
To import selected data click on the Import button.
To clear currently imported data click on the Clear button.