Online editing
This tool is accessible to registered users only.
By online editing we mean editing attributes and geometries throught the web interface.
Make sure that the layer you want to edit has the Edit(
) checkbox checked in the Layers panel.
The layer will become editable at a certain scale set by administrator.
You can snap to other vector layers vertices if their layer has Information(
) checkbox checked in the Layers panel and Snap checkbox checked in the Main menu - System - Settings.
Click on the Editing(
) tool,
four buttons will appear in the top right corner of the Map window (
Depending of the layer type you will be able to add a point, line or a polygon.
Click on the Add(
) button, then on the Map window to begin drawing a geometry, double click to end.
After you have finished drawing Edit attributes panel should appear in the Left panel.
Populate the form fields with proper values and click Save.
After clicking Add(
) button, two more buttons will appear:
- Add vertex at current location(
) - will create a point on your current position calculated using the gps on your device.
- Undo vertex(
) - will remove the last added vertex.
- Finalize(
) - will finish geometry creation and display the Edit attributes panel in the Left panel
Click on the Edit(
) button and then on the geometry you want to edit, the geometry should be editable.
This will change the color of the geometry to blue and vertices will become visibile, this indicates that the geometry is selected.
You can move the vertices by dragging them around.
Line and polygon geometries have virtual vertices (semi transparent) that are in between real vertices, if you drag one of them they will become real, this way you can add any amount of vertices you like.
To move the entire geometry drag the yellow circle in center of the selected geometry.
To delete a vertex select it by clicking on it and then click (
) button, or press the Delete key on the keyboard.
To move a vertex to current position select it by clicking on it and then click (
) button.
Manage attributes panel should appear in the Left panel, you can change the attributes values there.
If the layer has history enabled and the feature has already been edited one or more times a Revision dropdown will be shown to the right of the Cancel button.
Select a revision from the list to view the geometry and attributes for that version.
After you have modified your attributes and geometries click Save to commit your changes or Cancel to discard them.
Click on the Delete(
) button and then on the geometry you want to delete, the geometry should be editable (orange color).
Click on the Undo(
) button to revert a change you have recently made.
The history of your editing is kept until the session is other or until you refresh the browser window.
Offline editing
This tool is accessible to registered users only.
By offline editing we mean editing attributes and geometries in your favorite GIS desktop editor software.
The layers you want to edit must be editable and have Upload history enabled.
Click on the Download(
) tool.
Draw a polygon that will represent your download area.
Double click to end the drawing, this will open the Manage data panel in the Left panel.
Select the File format, enter a Comment and click Submit.
You will be promted for a file download (giscuit_package_ID.zip), save it to the file system and extract to giscuit_package_ID folder.
giscuit_package_ID folder will contain files in the format you specified earlier of the available vector layers for the selected zone.
You can now edit the geometries and attributes with your favorite GIS desktop software (most of them support ShapeFiles).
If you create new records with an empty gid value then they will be marked as new geometries upon uploading back.
Note that the maximum number of geometries that can be downloaded per layer is "1000".
After you have made all the necessary changes arhive your folder, your newly created arhive should match the name of the one you downloaded (giscuit_package_ID.zip)
Click on the Upload(
) tool, this will open the Manage data panel in the Left panel.
Select your newly created arhive from the file system and click Submit, your data will get validated and if everything is ok a success message will be displayed,
if not - proper error messages about the proplematic records will be displayed. There are a few possible error messages:
- Attribute error - triggered when one or more feature's attributes are invalid.
- Geometry error - triggered when feature's geometry is invalid.
- Feature is already updated - triggered when one of the uploading features was already updated by someone else after it was downloaded by you.
- Feature is already deleted - triggered when one of the uploading features was already deleted by someone else after it was downloaded by you.
To see the conflicting feature on the map click on it's corresponding row in the data table.
There are 3 possible ways to resolve the conflict:
- Commit my version - your uploading feature will overwrite the current online version.
- Discard my version - your uploading feature will be ignored, leaving the current version of the feature unmodified.
- Leave unresolved - selected by default, this action will do nothing.
To select one of these actions click on the Action column of the conflicting feature row.
After the proper Action was selected for one or more of the conflicting features click on the Submit button to commit package.
By default after a package is uploaded it's changes are not directly applied to the data.
The package is positioned in a queue and users that extend "datamanager" role and have the permission to edit the layer can activate the package.
Click on the Activate(
) tool, this will open the Manage data panel in the Left panel with a data table in the center and tools in the top.
Every row in the data table represents a package uploaded by the user that is awaiting your approval.
To select a package click on it's database row, this will also zoom into the package extents.
Activate. Select a package and click Activate, this will apply package changes to the data and remove it from thr queue.
Report. Select a package and click Report, this will display a data table of changes for each layer.
Status column shows what operation will be performed on the data (Update, Delete, Create), click on the row to zoom into the object.
For status Update changed values are colored in orange you can mouse over them to see the previous value.
This will also allow you to visually see changed objects on the map.
Delete. Select a package and click Delete to discard the package
This tool allows you to see how data looked at a given point in time (set From) or what changes had accured during a date range (set To and From).
To view the history layers have to be history enabled and visibile.
Click on the History(
) tool.
Data history panel should appear in the Left panel.
How the map looked at given point in time. Click on the calendar to select the From date, you can click again on a selected date to unselect it.
Changes accured during a date range. First click on the calendar to select the From date and second click to select the To date.
Click Submit your map will get updated.
Check the Information(
) checkbox in the Layers panel and click on an object to get information about who created it, who activated it and when.
After you click Submit the Changes dropdown will appear at the bottom left of Data history panel.
Select a layer to display it's history in tabular form.
Status column shows what operation was performed on the data (Update, Delete, Create).
Click on the row to select it and zoom into the object, this will also allow you to visually see changed geometry on the map.
Click Restore to restore the feature to the row you selected.
For example if the feature was deleted you can find its "Create" or "Update" row and restore the feature.