This section controls the product licenses. You can view you current license and number of days until it expires, list of available licenses for the current user and generate a license for the product.
First you need to log in. Enter the credentials of your registered Giscuit account in the Account and Password fields.
If your system is behind a proxy enter it's host address and port in the Proxy host and Proxy port fields. Click Login button view your product license information.
The current license tab displays your current license type. If the current type is Trial it will also show number of days until it expires. Trial licenses are created for 30 days only.
Below the current license tab is a table which displays licenses available to the currently logged user. Each row describes a single license. It contains the following columns:
- Install. This column field will contain (
) symbol in case the license can be generated, or it will be empty if a requirement is not met.
- Id. Id of the license.
- Type. License type.
- Version. License version.
- Required type. License type currently needed to be installed in order to generate this license.
- Required version. License version currently needed to be installed in order to generate this license.
To generate a license click on it's Install field symbol (
). A confirmation dialog will appear, click OK to generate this license.